How long does it take to learn Spanish properly? (2024)

How long does it take to learn Spanish properly?

The U.S. Foreign Service Institute estimates the time to be spent by students to reach proficiency in the language. The FSI study states that it takes 24-30 weeks, which is about 600-750 class hours. This estimate is for native English speakers to achieve conversational fluency in Spanish.

Can I learn Spanish in 3 months?

As we have covered, you can learn Spanish in 3 months, but with practice. Going through the theory is a good start. But reading, listening, speaking, and writing will make the difference.

How many class hours does it take to learn Spanish?

According to an FSI study, i.e. the Foreign Service Institute, it should take a new learner approximately 600 classroom hours to achieve conversational fluency in Spanish. They also suggest an approximate 1:1 ratio between the time spent independently studying Spanish and the time spent in a classroom.

How long does it take to learn each level of Spanish?

-Level A2:180-200 hours, 9 or 10 weeks. -Level B2: 500-600 hours, which are 25 or 30 weeks, depending on the different factors mentioned above. -Level C1: 700-800 hours, equivalent to 35 or 40 weeks. -Level C2: 1000-1200 hours, equivalent to 50 -54 weeks.

Can you learn Spanish in 200 hours?

Waystage > 180-200 hours:

The elementary level of Spanish can take you up to 200 hours to master. At this level, you can understand frequently used expressions in everyday life (such as asking for directions or tips for shopping).

Is it possible to become fluent in Spanish in 1 year?

You'll just need to make sure you get enough conversation practice via language exchanges or meetups, and be very disciplined about studying on your own. It will take a lot more time than if you were learning with a teacher, but it is still possible to become fluent within 1 year.

Is 20 too late to learn Spanish?

Many people believe that you lose the ability to learn new languages as you get older. Language experts, however, will tell you that you're never too old to learn a new language.

Can duolingo make you fluent?

No. Duolingo isn't going to make you fluent. Fluency comes when you spend time having conversations —especially with native speakers.

What is the hardest language to learn?

Mandarin Chinese

Interestingly, the hardest language to learn is also the most widely spoken native language in the world. Mandarin Chinese is challenging for a number of reasons. First and foremost, the writing system is extremely difficult for English speakers (and anyone else) accustomed to the Latin alphabet.

What is easiest language to learn?

Languages that are related to English and easy to learn include most Germanic languages (Dutch, Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, and German) and Romance languages (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French, and Romanian).

Is Duolingo good for learning Spanish?

Duolingo is one of the most popular apps in the world for learning Spanish, and for good reason. With a totally free base version and a cool course design that gamifies learning Spanish, people rave about this product.

Will a level Spanish make me fluent?

If you were to obtain an A level in Spanish you would have an advanced control of the language. Now speaking realistically, brass tacks and all of that, with the correct use and total control of what they call the B1 equivalent in English. You would be fluent and still know more than the average Spaniard.

How can I learn Spanish easily?

Spanish, like any other language you want to learn, isn't easy, but here are ten sure-fire ways to learn it faster:
  1. Sing along to the music. ...
  2. Watch Telenovelas. ...
  3. Read everything. ...
  4. Enhance your commute. ...
  5. Translate. ...
  6. Find a Spanish-speaking lover. ...
  7. Move to Spain! ...
  8. Or at least travel to a Spanish-speaking spot (and then practice!)

What's the quickest you can fluently learn Spanish?

However, achieving a conversational level of Spanish is possible for English speakers within three months. It takes the average English speaker about 575 to 600 hours, or 24 weeks of full-time study, to get fluent in Spanish. So, if you're only studying one hour per day, that works out to about a year and a half.

Does Duolingo actually work?

9 out of 10 learners feel more confident speaking after 1 month of Duolingo! 9 out of 10 teachers say that Duolingo is an effective way to learn a language.

Is 2 hours a day enough to learn a language?

So, if you're looking to learn a new language quickly, set aside 1 to 2 hours each day for focused, deliberate practice, and you'll be on your way to fluency in no time!

How can I practice Spanish everyday?

7 Ways to Practice Spanish at Home for Beginners
  1. Watch TV Shows and Movies in Spanish. It's time to indulge yourself and watch all of your favorite Spanish TV shows and movies! ...
  2. Learn Spanish Tongue Twisters. ...
  3. Label Everything In Your House. ...
  4. Use Language Apps. ...
  5. Listen to Music in Spanish. ...
  6. Get a Tutor. ...
  7. Play Games.
Feb 17, 2022

How hard is a level Spanish?

Modern Foreign Languages, such as French, Spanish, and German, are difficult A-Level subjects that require a lot of memorisation and language skills. Each subject covers a range of topics, including grammar, vocabulary, and culture.

How long should I study Spanish a day to become fluent?

To explain it a bit more, if you spend 3 hours every day learning Spanish, you'll achieve fluency in around six months. On the other hand, if you reduce your Spanish time to one hour a day, it will take about 1.5 years to learn, according to FSI. In any case, the hours are based on classroom instruction.

Can a 70 year old learn Spanish?

Research is showing you're never too old to start, and doing it can be incredibly beneficial, especially for seniors.

At what age can you no longer learn a language?

For example, in a new study released in May 2018, researchers found that children maintain their natural ability to pick up the grammar of a new language until they are 17 or 18. However, they need to start learning that new language by the age of 10 to master it before the "critical period" ends.

Should I take 4 years of Spanish?

The most competitive colleges recommend and expect students to take a foreign language in each of their four years of high school or until they exhaust the available curriculum available. The bottom line, the more foreign language, the more attractive a student is in the college application pool.

Is Duolingo better than Babbel?

Having used both programs, I can say that Babbel is better than Duolingo in terms of effectiveness, engagement and offering guidance. I like that Duolingo is free, but that's about it. Babbel is hands down the better overall language learning app.

Does Babbel really work?

The instruction is good, and it's more challenging than most other language apps, but the exercises can be tedious. As such, Babbel is best for people already skilled at learning languages or those who already speak a language related to the one they want to learn.

Will Rosetta Stone make you fluent?

If you just want some basic conversational skills, you could achieve that in just a few short months with Rosetta Stone. However, if you want to become truly fluent, expect the process to take closer to 18 months, including some live lesson work.


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Author: Carmelo Roob

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