How To Apply & Get An Indian e-Visa Online (2024)

India has some amazing architecture and natural sights, with famous landmarks like the Taj Mahal in Agra, and snow capped mountains in the Himalayas.

Most nationalities (except for Bhutanese and Nepali citizens) will need a visa to visit India, which is given in the form of an electronic Indian visa (eVisa) since November 2014.

This guide explains everything about how to get an Indian tourist visa using the e-Visa India website! I wrote it in 2019 and last updated it in 2024.

I went through this process as a tourist, but the process on the e-Visa India website is very similar for the other visa categories as well.

Table of Contents show

What Is The India eVisa?

The Indian e-Visa is for visitors coming to India on a short term trip for sightseeing, visiting friends or relatives, short term medical treatment or casual business related things.

The 5 eVisa types are as follows: e-Tourist, e-Business, e-Medical, e-Medical Attendant, or e-Conference.

The eVisa is valid for 30 days, 1 year, or 5 years from the date of your arrival in India, and it’s a double entry visa (for e-Tourist or e-Business), single entry visa (e-Conference), or triple entry visa (e-Medical). It’s non-extendable and non-convertible.

You can apply and pay online anywhere from 4 to 120 days in advance of your date of arrival in India, but no later than 4 days prior to arrival, otherwise the application will not be processed.

The eVisa is valid for entry through 26 designated airports and 5 seaports in India, including Delhi, Mumbai, Jaipur, and Goa. The full list of airports and seaports permitted for the India eVisa can be found here (click the Instructions For Applicant link on the left side).

Who Is The eVisa Available To?

The eVisa is available to US citizens and those of 170+ other places, and the fee depends on your country/territory.

The current fee for American citizens and other countries can be found in their full list of fees by country on the website.

An additional bank transaction charge of 2.5% may be applicable on the eVisa India online website.

The visa fee is non-refundable, even if for some reason your application is rejected.

How Can I Get The India eVisa?

The visa process may sound complicated, but don’t worry, it’s actually pretty simple! Here it is broken down in 4 short steps:

  • 1. Apply Online. You will need to submit an application with a personal photo and passport page.
  • 2. Pay Visa Fee. Credit or debit cards (or Paypal) are accepted for online payment.
  • 3. Receive e-Visa. The visa will be sent to you by email.
  • 4. Visit India. You will need to print the India eVisa and carry it with you at the time of travel.

Before You Apply For The Indian e-Visa

It’s important to fill out your visa application completely and accurately, otherwise it may be rejected.

Before applying on the eVisa India website, make sure of the following:

  • Passport Validity. Your passport should have >6 months validity
  • Visa Pages. Your passport should have at least 2 blank visa pages for stamping
  • Sufficient Funds. You should have enough money for your stay in India (this is rarely questioned), and also a return ticket or onward ticket.

You will also need to have the following items on your computer:

  • Personal Photo. This should be a recent, clear photo of your face with a white background. JPEG format is required.
  • Passport Photo. This should be your main passport page with your name, date of birth, nationality, etc. PDF format is required. If you need help changing your passport image to a PDF, you can use the following website:

Note: If you’re applying for an e-Business or e-Medical visa, in addition to the above you will also need a copy of the business card (for the e-Business visa) or a copy of the letter from the hospital concerned in India on its letterhead (for the e-Medical visa).

How To Apply For The India eVisa (Indian Tourist Visa)

When you’re ready to proceed, you can begin your visa application at the Indian government’s official eVisa website:

THIS IS IMPORTANT. There are other websites circulating on the internet that mimic this one or pretend to grant speedy visas, but those are often scams and they will take your money. DO NOT USE ANY OTHER WEBSITE.

I’ve provided some photos below as EXAMPLES to guide you through the application, but these are not from my actual eVisa submission. In other words, the addresses and other data I used in the images below are only examples. With that said, the pages you see in your visa application will resemble the ones shown in these images.

If anything has changedin the application process since this guide was written, please let me know in the comments at the bottom of this page and I will update the guide ASAP. I will do my best to keep this entire page up to date.

To begin your visa application, click the button circled in red that says Apply here for e-visa.

How To Apply & Get An Indian e-Visa Online (1)

To begin your visa application, click the button circled in red that says Apply here for e-visa.

Visa Application Page 1

e-Visa Application

Passport Type*:Select Ordinary Passport
Nationality*:Select your country from the dropdown list
Port Of Arrival*:Select the airport you will be flying into
Date Of Birth*:
Email ID*:
Re-enter Email ID*:
Expected Date Of Arrival*:
Visa Service*: Select from the list, and then choose an activity that best fits your trip to India
Please Enter Above Text*: Enter the captcha code given

(Items above marked with* are required.)

How To Apply & Get An Indian e-Visa Online (2)

Page 1 of the Indian visa online application on the eVisa India website. Very straightforward.

After selecting continue, if you’re applying for the Indian tourist visa (e-Tourist), then a small message will appear: “The following documents are required to be submitted. 1) Photograph. 2) Passport.” Select OK.

(For some reason the photo dimensions here state 2″ x 2″ but when you come to the actual uploader, the correct minimum dimensions will be 350 x 350 pixels. You’ll use the latter. Side note: separate messages may appear for Business/Medical eVisa applications.)

How To Apply & Get An Indian e-Visa Online (3)

You can ignore this message on the Indian visa application and click OK.

You have now arrived at the second page of the Indian visa online application form. It’s a good idea to write down the Temporary Application IDbecause it will be required if you have issues or need to come back to your application later.

Visa Application Page 2

Applicant Details Form

Surname: Exactly as in your passport
Given Name*: Exactly as in your passport
Have You Ever Changed Your Name?* If yes, click the box and give details
Date Of Birth: Automatically filled in
Town/City Of Birth*:
Country Of Birth*:
Citizenship/National ID No*:If not applicable, type NA
Visible Identification Marks*:List any tattoos if you have them, otherwise put NONE
Nationality:Automatically filled in
Did You Acquire Nationality By Birth Or By Naturalization?* Select yours
Have You Lived For At Least Two Years In The Country Where You Are Applying Visa?* Select yes or no

Passport Details

Passport Number*:
Place Of Issue*: Whatever nationality is on your passport
Date Of Issue*:
Date Of Expiry*:
Any Other Valid Passport/Identity Certificate (IC) Held?* Yes or no. If yes, give details

(Items above marked with* are required.)

How To Apply & Get An Indian e-Visa Online (4)

Page 2 of the e-Visa India application form. Personal identification details.

Visa Application Page 3

Applicant’s Address Details

House No./Street*:
Postal/ZIP Code*:
Phone No.*: One phone number is required
Mobile No.:
Email Address: Automatically filled in
Click Here For Same Address*: Click here if your permanent address is the same address as above, and then it will be applied.

(Items above marked with* are required.)

How To Apply & Get An Indian e-Visa Online (5)

Page 3 of the Indian visa online. Personal address details.

Visa Application Page 3 (continued)

Father’s Details

Previous Nationality:Leave blank if it never changed.
Place Of Birth*:Use the state/province/district of birth if you don’t know the town/city
Country Of Birth*:

Mother’s Details

Previous Nationality: Leave blank if it never changed.
Place Of Birth*:Use the state/province/district of birth if you don’t know the town/city
Country Of Birth*:

Applicant’s Marital Status:Select whether you’re single or married. If married (or separated but not divorced), enter your spouse’s details. If divorced, just select single.
Were Your Parents/Grandparents (Paternal/Maternal) Pakistan Nationals Or Belong To Pakistan Held Area?Select yes or no

Profession / Occupation Details Of Applicant

Present Occupation*:Select your occupation from the dropdown list. If it’s something else, select ‘Others’ and then enter it. The image below gives an example.
Employer Name/Business*:
Past Occupation, If Any:
Are/Were You In A Military/Semi-Military/Police/Security Organization?* Select yes or no. If yes, a dropdown will appear asking for the following: Organisation, Designation, Rank and Place Of Posting.

(Items above marked with* are required.)

How To Apply & Get An Indian e-Visa Online (6)

Page 3 (continued). Family and occupation details for the Indian visa online.

Visa Application Page 4

Details Of Visa Sought

Type Of Visa:Automatically filled in
Visa Service:Automatically filled in
Places To Be Visited*: Enter any cities or areas (e.g. Delhi) you will be visiting in India
Places To Be Visited Line 2:
Duration Of Visa:Automatically filled in
No. Of Entries:Automatically filled in
Port Of Arrival In India:Automatically filled in
Expected Port Of Exit From India*:Select the correct airport from the dropdown

Previous Visa/Currently Valid Visa Details

Have You Ever Visited India Before?*Select yes or no. If yes, enter the name and address of the place you stayed previously.
Cities In India Visited*:Enter details from previous visits
Last Indian Visa No/Currently Valid Indian Visa*:If your previous visit was with an eVisa, the number will be written on the stamp given in passport. If you don’t know the number, type unknown.
Type Of Visa*:Tourist
Place Of Issue*:United States (if it was a regular visa). Enter the airport name in India if it was an eVisa.
Date Of Issue*:The date it was issued. For an eVisa, you can use the date of entry from the stamp on your passport, or possibly in your email.
Has Permission To Visit Or To Extend Stay In India Previously Been Refused?*Select yes or no. Hopefully the answer is no

Other Information

Countries Visited In Last 10 Years:List any countries you’ve recently visited. I didn’t have room to list all of them, so I included a partial list. This field is not mandatory.

SAARC Country Visit Details

Have You Visited SAARC Countries (Except Your Own Country) During Last 3 Years?*:The list of SAARC countries can be found in the dropdown list.

(Items above marked with* are required.)

How To Apply & Get An Indian e-Visa Online (7)

Page 4 of the eVisa application. Your travel details.

Visa Application Page 4 (continued)


Reference Name In India*:Your accommodation details will work
Address*:For a hotel this can usually be found on Google Maps or the listing at or
Phone*:For a hotel this can usually be found on their website or on Google Maps
Reference Name In Home Country*:A relative or friend will work

(Items above marked with* are required.)

How To Apply & Get An Indian e-Visa Online (8)

Page 4 (continued). Travel and reference details.

Visa Application Page 5

Additional Question Details

  • Have You Ever Been Arrested/Prosecuted/Convicted By Court Of Law Of Any Country?*Yes or no
  • Have You Ever Been Refused Entry/Deported By Any Country Including India?* Yes or no
  • Have You Ever Been Engaged In Human Trafficking / Drug Trafficking / Child Abuse / Crime Against Women / Economic Offense / Financial Fraud?* Yes or no
  • Have You Ever Been Engaged In Cyber Crime / Terrorist Activities / Sabotage / Espionage / Genocide / Political Killing / Other Act Of Violence?* Yes or no
  • Have You Ever By Any Means Or Medium, Expressed Views That Justify Or Glorify Terrorist Violence Or That May Encourage Others To Terrorist Acts Or Other Serious Criminal Acts?* Yes or no
  • Have You Sought Asylum (Political Or Otherwise) In Any Country?* Yes or no

(Items above marked with* are required.)

How To Apply & Get An Indian e-Visa Online (9)

Page 5 of the Indian visa online application. Background questions.

Visa Application Page 6

Upload Photograph

At this point you will be asked to upload a personal photo.

If you need to come back and do this later, you can save and exit the application (but make sure to write down the Temporary Application IDbecause it will be required if you want to reuse your application later).

The photo format will need to be JPEG, with a minimum size of 10 KB and a maximum size of 1 MB. Minimum dimensions are 350 pixels wide x 350 pixels high. The personal photo needs to be recent and front facing, with a white background.

The picture needs to be a clear photo of your face. You can get these done at places like Walgreens, for example. Unfortunately you cannot crop your passport photo to use for this, it needs to be a separate photo.

It’s important to follow all of these specifications and rules, otherwise your eVisa India application may be rejected. Click choose file and navigate to the photo you want to choose; then click upload photo.

After uploading the photo, you’re given an opportunity to crop the photo or upload it again if you’d like.

How To Apply & Get An Indian e-Visa Online (10)

Page 6 of the Indian visa online guide. Upload your personal photo.

Visa Application Page 7

Upload Passport

Next, you will be asked to upload a copy of your passport page.

This should be the photo page with personal details like name, date of birth, nationality, expiration date, etc. It should match the passport details entered in your eVisa application.

The file should be in PDF format with a minimum size of 10 KB and a maximum size of 300 KB. If you need help changing your passport file from an image to a PDF, you can use the following website:

Again, it’s important to follow all of the specifications and rules, otherwise your eVisa application may be rejected. Click choose file andnavigate to the PDF file you want to choose; then click upload document.

How To Apply & Get An Indian e-Visa Online (11)

Page 7 of the Indian visa online guide. Upload your passport.

Verification & Payment

After submitting your passport upload, the next page will ask you to confirm ALL of the previous details from your Indian e-Visa application.

Look these over thoroughly to make sure you entered everything correctly, because this will be your last chance to edit anything. Once you verify and continue, you will be brought to the visa payment page.

At this point, you can pay for the visa now or later. Follow the instructions on the page for either option.You should also write down the visa Application ID so you can access the application again.

You can pay with international credit or debit cards, or you can make your visa payment with Paypal. I used Paypal and I would recommend this. It was easy to process.

If you don’t have a Paypal account, then the next best option is probably using your card via the Axis option.


After submission and payment, you will get an email from the Indian government saying that your Indian visa online application was submitted successfully and will take 72 hours for processing.

Generally you will hear back in much quicker time; in my case the Indian visa application was processed and granted in under 24 hours.

You MUST print the email you receive containing the Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) and present it to the immigration officer when you arrive in India. I would recommend printing and bringing at least two copies.

The government of India emphasizes that you should also track your application and make sure that the status saysgranted on the official eVisa India website (same link as above) before making your journey to India.

What If My India Visa Is Rejected?

If your India visa is rejected, don’t worry. You can apply again, and there’s no minimum amount of time you have to wait before re-applying for a visa. If the online system allows you to re-apply, then you can go ahead and do it when you’re ready.

However, it’s important to find out why you were rejected so you can fix it in your next application. Unfortunately a reason is not always given, but generally the most common reasons for India visas being rejected are simple errors like typos, wrong dates, or wrong photo specifications.

When reapplying, you’ll be faced with this question: “Has permission to visit or to extend stay in India previously been refused?”

How you answer this question will depend on why you were rejected in your first application. If it was a simple clerical error like a wrong date or wrong photo specifications, then I would answer no, because you weren’t actually refused a visa for visiting India due to being ineligible for some reason, you only made a minor mistake in the submission process that can easily be corrected.

Good luck and happy travels!

How To Apply & Get An Indian e-Visa Online (12)

Disclaimer: To my knowledge, the above information in this e-Visa India guide is correct at the time and date of posting. This blog post is not legal advice and I am only sharing my own personal experience. I am not affiliated with the Government of India or their website. If anything has changed in the eVisa India application process since this guide was written, please let me know in the comments below and I will update the guide ASAP. This visa guide was originally posted in 2018, and last modified in 2024.

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Thanks for looking! I hope you were helped by this guide on how to fill out an Indian e-visa application.

While you’re waiting for your visa to be processed, don’t forget to check out the other travel guides on my blog!

How To Apply & Get An Indian e-Visa Online (2024)


How To Apply & Get An Indian e-Visa Online? ›

It is advised that the correct website for E-visa is Applicants are requested not to apply on any other website for E-visa services.

What is the correct website for Indian e-Visa? ›

It is advised that the correct website for E-visa is Applicants are requested not to apply on any other website for E-visa services.

How long does it take for an Indian e-Visa to be approved? ›

Tourist eVisas are usually ready within 3 working days if all your documents are correct. This timeframe can vary depending on your nationality and specific details of your application. Business, Medical, Medical Attendant, and Conference eVisas may need more time because of additional checks.

What is the best way to apply for an Indian visa? ›

  1. Apply Online. Fill and Submit Visa Application Form Securely.
  2. Submit Documents. Submit your application with required. documents at Indian Visa Application Center or at Indian Mission.
  3. Receive Passport, visa. Collect your passport/visa from. Indian Mission/Visa Application Center.

Is the Indian e-Visa easy to get? ›

When applying for an e-Visa, it is not necessary to submit your passport or other personal documents to the consulate. Everything is done online. CIBTvisas makes applying for an India e-Visa simple. The e-Visa approval will be issued in advance electronically before your departure to India.

Which is the real website for Indian visa? ›

How much does an Indian e-Visa cost? ›

Sr No.Visa CategoryVisa Duration Up to One Year (Single / Multiple entry)
1Tourist VisaGBP 127
2Business VisaGBP 189
3Entry VisaGBP 127
4Conference Visa (up to 6 months)GBP 63
5 more rows

Do I need to print my India E visa? ›

Yes, to travel to India, you'll need to bring the passport linked to your application and a printout of your eVisa. We advise printing 2 copies and bringing them with you when traveling.

How long does it take to get eVisa for India from USA? ›

It may be noted that it could take up to 5 business days (longer in certain cases) for processing of the visa on receipt of the application in the Consulate, subject to complete submission of documents.

Can I apply for an Indian e visa now? ›

General Information on Obtaining Indian e-Visa

Applicants of the eligible countries/territories may apply online minimum 4 days in advance of the date of arrival with a window of 120 days. Example: If you are applying on 1st Sept then applicant can select arrival date from 5th Sept to 2nd Jan.

What documents do I need for Indian visa? ›

Passport (Original + Copy) with a validity for a minimum of 180 days with at least two blank pages. Correct visa fee with two recent 50*50 size photographs. Please check the Photo Specifications. Duly Filled Online Application form (printed) with Signatures on both pages with signed declaration.

How much money is needed for Indian visa? ›

A 10-year visa for India cost around 160 USD. Which is considered the cheapest visa for India? The tourist electronic visa is considered the cheapest visa for India. If applied directly at the government's official website, it doesn't cost anything.

How much does an Indian visa cost for US citizens? ›

E - Visa
30-day e-Tourist Visa (during July to March)US$ 25.00
30-day e-Tourist Visa (April to June)US$ 10.00
One year e-Tourist VisaUS$ 40.00
Five year e-Tourist VisaUS$ 80.00

How early can you apply for an India e-Visa? ›

Procedure for applying for e-Visa

The foreign national may fill in the application online on the website . The applicant can apply 120 days in advance prior to expected date of arrival in India.

Can US citizens travel to India with e-Visa? ›

The passport should have at least two blank pages for stamping by the Immigration Officer on arrival. The applicant must travel on the passport on which e-Visa has been applied. Entry into India will be allowed on a new passport even if the e-Visa has been granted on the old passport.

Is Indian e-Visa still free? ›

The fee for applying for an electronic visa or E-Tourist Visa for single or double entry will be waived as all Thai travelers can stay and travel in India for up to 30 days. Free E-Tourist Visa for traveling to India will be effective for 6 months, ending on December 31, 2024 or until there is another order.

Is India legit? ›

Applicants are hereby advised that the only website to apply for Indian E-visa is Applicants are requested to exercise caution and not applying on any other website for E-visa services. Please find attached a list of fake/fraudulent web URLs offering Indian e-Visa services.

How do I apply for Indian e-Visa? ›

  1. Apply online. Upload Photo and Passport Page.
  2. Pay eVisa fee online. Using Credit / Debit card / Payment Wallet.
  3. Receive ETA Online. Electronic Travel Authorization/ETA Will be sent to your e-mail.
  4. Fly To India. Print ETA and present at Immigration Check Post where eVisa will be stamped on passport.

What is place of issue on Indian e-Visa? ›

Place of Issue: For US Passport holders write “USA” or “US Department of State”. For Non-US Passport holders please look under “Authority”. Present Address: Please do not use a PO Box, the Indian Embassy is asking for a complete PHYSICAL address.

Who is the reference for Indian e-Visa? ›

Reference name means any person you know in India or who you can vouch for when you are staying in India. Any acquaintance such as a colleague or ex-colleague, friend, family, family friend, employer, relative, or member of your immediate family qualifies for this category.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.