Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (2024)


Gotta DigiConvert 'em all? Here's our full list of every single Digimon in the latest Cyber Sleuthing RPG

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (1)


6th February, 2018 By Sarah Morris

We've been very much enjoying our time with Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory lately - a digi-catpuring, battling and training fest, it very much scratches that itch for a Pokemon-alike game on a Sony console.

But for Digimon fans and newcomers alike, there's one just one important question - which Digimon will I be able to catch in Hacker's Memory? Well, that's where we come in. After a hard weekend of research, we've put together a complete list of every single Digimon you'll be able to get your mitts on during the course of the game. We'll update the list with pictures of each 'mon as and when we get them (or if any of you readers are feeling generous, you could always send us your screens for inclusion too!)

So without further ado, here's the full list of all 340 Digimon you can catch/create in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory:

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (2)

  • 001 Kuramon
  • 002 Pabumon
  • 003 Punimon
  • 004 Botamon
  • 005 Poyomon
  • 006 Arcadiamon In-Tr.
  • 007 Koromon
  • 008 Tanemon
  • 009 Tsunomon
  • 010 Tsumemon
  • 011 Tokomon
  • 012 Naromon
  • 013 Pagumon
  • 014 Yokomon
  • 015 Bukamon
  • 016 Motimon
  • 017 Manyamon
  • 018 Agumon
  • 019 Agumon (Blk)
  • 020 Arcadiamon Rookie
  • 021 Armadillomon

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (3)

  • 022 Impmon
  • 023 Elecmon
  • 024 Otamamon
  • 025 Gaomon
  • 026 Gazimon
  • 027 Gabumon
  • 028 Gabumon (Blk)
  • 029 Guilmon
  • 030 Kudamon
  • 031 Karamon
  • 032 Gotsumon
  • 033 Goblimon
  • 034 Gomamon
  • 035 Syakomon
  • 036 Zubamon
  • 037 Solarmon
  • 038 Chuumon
  • 039 Terriermon
  • 040 Tentomon
  • 041 ToyAgumon
  • 042 Dracmon

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (4)

  • 043 Dracomon
  • 044 Dorumon
  • 045 Hagurumon
  • 046 Patamon
  • 047 Hackmon
  • 048 Palmon
  • 049 DemiDevimon
  • 050 Biyomon
  • 051 Falcomon
  • 052 FanBeemon
  • 053 Veemon
  • 054 Salamon
  • 055 Betamon
  • 056 Hawkmon
  • 057 Mushroomon
  • 058 Monodramon
  • 059 Lalamon
  • 060 Lucemon
  • 061 Lunamon
  • 062 Renamon
  • 063 Lopmon

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (5)

  • 064 Wormmon
  • 065 IceDevimon
  • 066 Icemon
  • 067 Aquilamon
  • 068 Agunimon
  • 069 Arcadiamon Champion
  • 070 Ankylomon
  • 071 Ikkakumon
  • 072 Wizardmon
  • 073 Lobomon
  • 074 Woodmon
  • 075 Airdramon
  • 076 ExVeemon
  • 077 Angemon
  • 078 Ogremon
  • 079 Guardromon
  • 080 Guardromon (Gold)
  • 081 GaoGamon
  • 082 Kabuterimon
  • 083 ShellNumemon
  • 084 Gargomon

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (6)

  • 085 Garurumon
  • 086 Garurumon (Blk)
  • 087 Kyubimon
  • 088 Growlmon
  • 089 Kurisarimon
  • 090 Greymon
  • 091 Greymon (Blue)
  • 092 Clockmon
  • 093 Kuwagamon
  • 094 Gekomon
  • 095 Geremon
  • 096 Coredramon (Blue)
  • 097 Coredramon (Green)
  • 098 GoldNumemon
  • 099 Golemon
  • 100 Cyclonemon
  • 101 Sangloupmon
  • 102 Sunflowmon
  • 103 Seadramon
  • 104 Coelamon
  • 105 GeoGreymon

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (7)

  • 106 Sukamon
  • 107 Starmon
  • 108 Stingmon
  • 109 Strikedramon
  • 110 ZubaEagermon
  • 111 Socerimon
  • 112 Tankmon
  • 113 MudFrigimon
  • 114 Tyrannomon
  • 115 Gatomon
  • 116 Devimon
  • 117 Turuiemon
  • 118 Togemon
  • 119 Dorugamon
  • 120 Nanimon
  • 121 Numemon
  • 122 Birdramon
  • 123 BaoHuckmon
  • 124 Bakemon
  • 125 Veedramon
  • 126 Hudiemon

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (8)

  • 127 PlatinumSukamon
  • 128 BlackGatomon
  • 129 Vegiemon
  • 130 Peckmon
  • 131 Meramon
  • 132 Monochromon
  • 133 Frigimon
  • 134 Unimon
  • 135 Raptordramon
  • 136 Raremon
  • 137 Leomon
  • 138 Lekismon
  • 139 Reppamon
  • 140 Waspmon
  • 141 MegaKabuterimon
  • 142 Arcadiamon Ultimate
  • 143 Antylamon
  • 144 Andromon
  • 145 Meteormon
  • 146 Infermon
  • 147 Myostismon

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (9)

  • 148 Wingdramon
  • 149 BurningGreymon
  • 150 AeroVeedramon
  • 151 Etemon
  • 152 Angewomon
  • 153 Okuwamon
  • 154 Garudamon
  • 155 KendoGarurumon
  • 156 Gigadramon
  • 157 CatchMamemon
  • 158 CannonBeemon
  • 159 Groundramon
  • 160 GrapLeomon
  • 161 Grademon
  • 162 Crescemon
  • 163 Cyberdramon
  • 164 Shakkoumon
  • 165 Cherrymon
  • 166 Silphymon
  • 167 SuperStarmon
  • 168 SkullGreymon

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (10)

  • 169 SkullSatamon
  • 170 Zudomon
  • 171 SaviorHuckmon
  • 172 Taomon
  • 173 Dragomon
  • 174 Chirinmon
  • 175 Dinobeemon
  • 176 Digitamamon
  • 177 SkullMeramon
  • 178 Duramon
  • 179 ShogunGekomon
  • 180 Triceramon
  • 181 DoruGreymon
  • 182 Knightmon
  • 183 Datamon
  • 184 Paildramon
  • 185 Panjyamon
  • 186 Pandamon
  • 187 Pumpkinmon
  • 188 Piximon
  • 189 HippoGryphonmon

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (11)

  • 190 Phantomon
  • 191 BlackKingNumemon
  • 192 BlueMeramon
  • 193 Vademon
  • 194 Whamon
  • 195 MagnaAngemon
  • 196 Volcanomon
  • 197 Matadormon
  • 198 MachGaogamon
  • 199 Mamemon
  • 200 MegaSeadramon
  • 201 Megadramon
  • 202 WarGrowlmon
  • 203 MetalGreymon
  • 204 MetalGreymon (Blue)
  • 205 MetalTyrannomon
  • 206 MetalMamemon
  • 207 Monzaemon
  • 208 Crowmon
  • 209 RizeGreymon
  • 210 Lilamon

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (12)

  • 211 Rapidmon
  • 212 Lillymon
  • 213 Lucemon FM
  • 214 LadyDevimon
  • 215 WereGarurumon
  • 216 WereGarurumon (Blk)
  • 217 Wisemon
  • 218 Arcadiamon Mega
  • 219 Alphamon
  • 220 UlforceVeedramon
  • 221 Ebemon
  • 222 Imperialdramon DM
  • 223 Imperialdramon FM
  • 224 Vikemon
  • 225 Valkyrimon
  • 226 Varodurumon
  • 227 VenomMyotismon
  • 228 WarGreymon
  • 229 Ophanimon
  • 230 Gaiomon
  • 231 KaiserGreymon

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (13)

  • 232 ChaosGallantmon
  • 233 Chaosdramon
  • 234 Gankoomon
  • 235 KingEtemon
  • 236 Kuzuhamon
  • 237 GranKuwagamon
  • 238 GranDracmon
  • 239 GroundLocomon
  • 240 Gryphonmon
  • 241 Craniamon
  • 242 Kerpymon (Blk)
  • 243 Kerpymon (Good)
  • 244 Goldramon
  • 245 SaberLeomon
  • 246 Sakuyamon
  • 247 Jesmon
  • 248 ShineGreymon
  • 249 ShineGreymon BM
  • 250 Justimon
  • 251 Kentaurosmon
  • 252 Slayerdramon

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (14)

  • 253 Seraphimon
  • 254 MegaGargomon
  • 255 Darkdramon
  • 256 TigerVespamon
  • 257 Titamon
  • 258 TyrantKabuterimon
  • 259 Dianamon
  • 260 Diaboromon
  • 261 Creepymon
  • 262 Gallantmon
  • 263 Dynasmon
  • 264 Durandamon
  • 265 Leopardmon
  • 266 Leopardmon LM
  • 267 Dorugoramon
  • 268 Neptunemon
  • 269 HiAndromon
  • 270 PileVolcamon
  • 271 Barbamon
  • 272 BanchoLeomon
  • 273 Piedmon

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (15)

  • 274 Puppetmon
  • 275 PlatinumNumemon
  • 276 BlackWarGreymon
  • 277 PrinceMamemon
  • 278 Brakedramon
  • 279 Plesiomon
  • 280 HerculesKabuterimon
  • 281 Beelzemon
  • 282 Beelzemon BM
  • 283 Belphemon SM
  • 284 Hououmon
  • 285 Magnadramon
  • 286 Boltmon
  • 287 MagnaGarurumon
  • 288 MagnaGarurumon (SV)
  • 289 Mastemon
  • 290 MarineAngemon
  • 291 Minervamon
  • 292 MirageGaogamon
  • 293 MirageGaogamon BM
  • 294 Machinedramon

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (16)

  • 295 Megidramon
  • 296 MetalEtemon
  • 297 MetalGarurumon
  • 298 MetalGarurumon (Blk)
  • 299 MetalSeadramon
  • 300 Merukimon
  • 301 RustTyranomon
  • 302 Leviamon
  • 303 Lilithmon
  • 304 Ravemon
  • 305 Ravemon BM
  • 306 Crusadermon
  • 307 Rosemon
  • 308 Rosemon BM
  • 309 Lotosmon
  • 310 Armageddemon
  • 311 Arcadiamon Ultra
  • 312 Alphamon Ouryuken
  • 313 Imperialdramon PM
  • 314 Examon
  • 315 Omnimon

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (17)

  • 316 Omnimon Zwart
  • 317 Chaosmon
  • 318 Chaosmon VA
  • 319 Susanomon
  • 320 Gallantmon CM
  • 321 Belphemon RM
  • 322 Lucemon SM
  • 323 Flamedramon
  • 324 Magnamon
  • 325 Rapidmon (Armor)
  • 326 Shoutmon
  • 327 OmniShoutmon
  • 328 Sistermon Blanc
  • 329 Sistermon B (Awake.)
  • 330 Sistermon Ciel
  • 331 Sistermon C (Awake.)
  • 332 Alphamon NX
  • 333 Crusadermon NX
  • 334 Leopardmon NX
  • 335 Omnimon NX
  • 336 Gallantmon NX
  • 337 Ryudamon
  • 338 Ginryumon

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (18)

  • 339 Hisyaryumon
  • 340 Ouryumon

Phew! And that's your lot!

If you're looking to get 'em all and complete the full list of Digimon, you should keep in mind that numbers 332 and 336, Alphamon NX and Gallantmon NX, are DLC Digimon which can only be bought, rather than earnt in game, with each costing a few quid on the Playstation Store. The other three NX 'mons - 333 Crusadermon NX, 334 Leopardmon NX and 335 Omnimon NX - are from a pre-order bonus, although you can, at the time of writing, nab yourself a freebie download code from the Bandai Namco online store here. Happy hacking!

Price correct as of 07:05, Friday 28th of June 2024, may not include postage. More info

Disclaimer/disclosure: Product prices and availability are accurate as of the date/time indicated and are subject to change. Any price and availability information displayed on Amazon.com at the time of purchase will apply to the purchase of this product. Links to Amazon are affiliate links, and we will receive a small fee should you choose to complete the purchase using these links. This doesn't affect the price you pay for your product.

Full list of all 340 Digimon in Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth - Hacker's Memory (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.