2021 Your guide to - La Trobe University (2024)

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latrobe.edu.au/studentsYour guide tocommencing studies online at La Trobe 2021 International Students

Acceptance and Pre-departure Guide Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | 1Contents WelcomeBefore your classes start 2Getting in the system 4 A very warm welcome to you from La Trobe University, Australia.Orientation 6 COVID19 has presented unprecedented challenges and global disruptions.Your studies 8 We hope you and your family are safe and well. We look forward to borders re- opening soon and being able to welcome you to our beautiful campuses. In theStudent IT systems 9 meantime, we warmly welcome you to La Trobe and look forward to helping you begin your studies wherever you are.Your support services 10 This short guide will help you get started in your La Trobe studies whether youSocial connections 12 are overseas and yet to travel, or commencing on shore already in Australia. There is lots of assistance available. Staff are happy to speak to you over theHealth and Wellbeing 14 phone or make a time for a face-to-face online chat via Zoom. You are not alone and we are here to help.What’s next? 15 For over 50 years we have welcomed students from across the globe and today we host over 8,000 international students. We’re proud of our multicultural community, which helps us make a global impact. And we continue to improve in rankings of the world’s best universities, including the Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021 that places La Trobe in the top 250 globally. Our graduates are renowned for their employability, for their deep understanding of the most pressing challenges facing the global community, and for their ability to address those challenges intelligently and decisively. Good luck and we look forward to welcoming you in person soon. Your student journey Dr Stacey Farrawar Pro Vice-Chancellor (International)1 2 3 4 We’ll help with all theStart your studies online, As soon as bordersand practical details – Continue your studieswherever you are. campuses reopen, we look airport pick up, finding at one of our beautifulThere’s loads of help and forward to welcoming you somewhere to live and campuses. Enjoy yourwe’re here for you! in person. getting settled. Plus a time in Australia! warm La Trobe welcome!

2 | Before your classes startBefore yourclasses startBefore you start classes Terms or Semesters?you need to do a few things You will either commence in a Term- like understand your or Semester. It’s important you know which one. Check you letter of offer tooverall course structure, find out.enrol in your subjects, • A Term is shorter and only requiresmake a timetable, do two subjectssome preparatory work, • A Semester is longer and requiresand undertake an online four subjectsOrientation. This will set you Census Dateup for success. Each subject of study offered at the University will have a Census Date. TheUnderstanding your Census Date is the last date you cancourse withdraw from a subject without beingTake some time to understand your financially liable i.e. having to pay forcourse in the course handbook at the subject. Check your Statement ofhandbook.latrobe.edu.au This will Account (from StudentOnLine) to findoutline your core subjects and electives, out when the census date is for each ofassessments, exams and more. You your subjects. Find out more atcan click on individual subjects and now.latrobe/CensusDatesunderstand more about what is ahead Academic calendarand what to expect. There is even somebackground reading so you can get Find out Term and Semester startstarted! dates, Uni holidays, public holidays, exam periods, census dates, and more!What college are you in? now.latrobe/AcademicCalendarLa Trobe has two colleges, eachoffering a broad range of study options.It’s important to know what college youare in as there are different supportnetworks and services available tostudents in both colleges. Find outmore about your college on theirwebsite.ASSC - Arts, Social Sciences andCommercelatrobe.edu.au/asscSHE - Science, Health and Engineeringlatrobe.edu.au/she

4 | Getting on the system Xxxxxxxx La Trobe University Acceptance and Pre-departure Guide Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx | 5Getting on thesystem 1. Reset your password You will be emailed a temporary password (to the email address associated with your application). You need to change this and choose your own password. Use the Password Reset Tool: now.latrobe/PasswordReset Are you at “Acceptance Complete” in StudyLink? If not, please contact your Admissions Officer or Agent. Still need help? Contact Student IT Support. now.latrobe/ContactSITS 2. Edit your student profile Using your new password go to the students section of the website latrobe.edu.au/students and update your digital La Trobe student profile on StudentOnLine bit.ly/StudentOnLine Complete the tabs including your home country address and phone number, your parents highest education, and your next of kin emergency contact details. 3. Enrol into subjects In StudentOnLine you’ll need to enrol into your subjects.Please note that a Semester is 4 subjects and a Term is 2 subjects. Find out about your subjects (core and elective) from the University Handbook: handbook.latrobe.edu.au Visit our enrolment site for more information: now.latrobe/InternationalEnrol 4. Create your study timetable After enrolment use Allocate+ to create your personal study timetable: latrobe.edu.au/students Need Help? Visit: now.latrobe.edu.au/timetables 5. Attend online Orientation Our Orientation program is designed to support you to be prepared for success in your first semester at La Trobe. During Orientation you’ll engage is range of sessions and activities especially for students like you. Orientation at La Trobe is an exciting time with a variety of live and On Demand sessions, as well as a self-paced Online Orientation Program in LMS. Visit the Orientation website for the full program: latrobe.edu.au/orientation Pooja Ganesh Studying Masters of Management (Human Resource Management) at the City Campus, Pooja talks openly about what its been like to transition to online classes. Watch her full interview at bit.ly/PoojaStudies

6 | OrientationOrientationGetting a good start Online orientationto your studies begins LMSeven before you Spend some time navigating our Online Orientation Program LMSenter your first class. which has information, adviceSet yourself up for and resources to help you. Allacademic success with you need to do is click on the link below to take you to the 2021Orientation. Online Orientation program andOrientation is compulsory for all select ‘Enrol me’.new international students and now.latrobe/onlineorientationprovides important informationand social activities specific Please make time to go throughto your needs. The program all the different pages as thereis designed for all students at is lots of useful information onLa Trobe University and will how to get started, get help, andenable you to make important succeed in your studies.connections with your peers, Plan your orientationdifferent networks and the In addition to our onlinecampus community. Orientation On Demand andWelcome to LMS, we also run live virtual orientation sessions beforeLa Trobe classes commence. You canStart your Orientation to plan your activities and eventsLa Trobe with a warm welcome using our Orientation Planner.from our Vice-Chancellor. now.latrobe/orientationplannernow.latrobe/ViceChancellorWelcome The planner goes live a few weeks before each new Term orOrientation On Semester starts.DemandOur Orientation On Demand The live online orientation willsessions allow you to be have loads of great sessionsprepared for your first semester. where you can meet yourThese sessions will allow you classmates and academics andto learn more about uni life at find out about all the amazingLa Trobe. You’ll discover tips for services available to you whilelearning and career success, you study with us. You won’thow to make friends through want to miss it!clubs and societies, supportservices and more.latrobe.edu.au/orientation

Timetable queries? Student IT systems | 98 | Your studies 9 | Your studies If you have a question about your timetable (a clash, a timezone issue) then reach out to yourYour Student IT subject coordinator via LMS to discuss options.studies systems There are many LMS (Learning Zoom & Microsoft different IT systems Management System) Teams that La Trobe uses The LMS is your online digital Some online classes, lectures, or tutorials may be on Zoom or depending on your classroom were you’ll find Microsoft Teams. These are free, background readings, message course and your from your academics, and easy to use web based meeting subjects. However important information about platforms that enable video conferencing, file sharing, chat some are common to your subjects. This is also where functions and more. you submit your work. all students and it’s now.latrobe/LMS now.latrobe/zoom important that you understand them. Turnitin now.latrobe/teams Turnitin software is used to StudentOnLine submit your assessments. When a paper is submitted by a This is your student student, Turnitin uses advanced administration portal where you pattern-matching technology to enrol in subjects, see your fees, identify suspected non-original your grades and update your text in submitted documents. personal details. Upon starting now.latrobe/Turnitin at La Trobe you need go in and complete the tabs including Echo360 your home address and phone number, parents highest Echo360 is the lecture capture education, and your next of kin and online delivery system used emergency contact details. by La Trobe and is launched bit.ly/StudentOnLine by clicking on a link within the ‘Echo360 Block’ on your Student email LMS subject’s homepage. All Undergraduate students must Access your student email at With Echo360 you can watchThe academic culture certain circ*mstances you may Compulsory modules also complete Womenjika La now.latrobe/email recorded lectures from home. be able to apply for a reducedof La Trobe University study load by applying for an There are compulsory subjects Trobe (ABS0WOM). Wominjeka now.latrobe/Echo360may be different to that Agreed Progression Plan. you need to undertake online La Trobe is a short one-hour The University will only communicate official messagesof your home country, that are non-credit bearing compulsory online subject that to you via your student email introduces all La Trobe studentsso we strongly suggest but you must complete and address so make sure you LMS (Learning pass them. Ensure you are to Indigenous Australian history,you start preparing for check it often, or set up an Management System) enrolled in these subjects via culture and customs. A rich auto forward to your preferredstudies. StudentOnLine, and complete and relevant cultural heritage address. If the University sends All your subjects have a them in your first semester of education is important for you a message via email it isCheck your enrolment presence on the LMS (that can study. everyone. assumed you have read it. also be known as the “digitalYour study load is determined classroom”). Make sure you log Allocate+by the amount of credit pointsyou are studying. A normal full- on to LMS regularly: now.latrobe/LMS Academic Integrity Module (LTU0AIM) explains using It is recommended that all international students undertake Allocate+ is the system La Trobe Your student usernametime load is 120 credit points This is where your academic information appropriately, this to understand Indigenous uses to allocate students to and password(eight subjects) spread over an Australia. on-campus activities such as staff will communicate with you, according to copyright and Your student username is:academic year. You are generally tutorials, labs, seminars and post pre-class reading or videos, privacy laws, ensuring you YourStudentIDNumber@students.ltu.edu.aurequired to undertake 60 credit workshops, and to help you tailorpoints (four subjects) in each quizzes, and you can meet other understand how to properly your personal timetable.Semester period or 30 credit classmates. acknowledge where the now.latrobe/timetable Your student email address is:points (two subjects) each Term information you use comes YourStudentIDNumber@students.latrobe.edu.auperiod. from, and importantly, understand that you cannotA student visa holder is required present other people’s work asto complete the course by the your own. latrobe.libguides. Student IT Supportend date on the Confirmation of com/academic-integrity Need help to change your password or get accessEnrolment (CoE). This normallyrequires you maintain a standard to a system? The Student IT Support Team canstudy load of 60 points in each help.half-year period. However, in now.latrobe/ContactSITS

10 | Your support services Got a Question?Your support Chances are, the answer is in the Frequently Asked Questions online portal latrobe.edu.au/student-faqsservices Or contact us via phone Tel: 1300 528 762 or from overseas +61 3 9479 6000 or send a query and we’ll be more than happy to help latrobe.edu.au/ask-usWe understand that Subject/content The Library website also The Learning Hub Studiosity A Peer Mentor from your School/ Peer Learning To sign in or register for LinkedIn has useful tools such as an Discipline hosts these interactive Learning:studying online is not queries Assessment Planner Tool and a The Learning Hub provides All La Trobe students have opportunities and are a great Advisorseveryone’s first choice workshops, study resources and access to Studiosity, a great 24/7 1. Go to linkedin.com/ Your subject coordinator or Time Management Calculator to opportunity to chat with other Our friendly team of Peer individual appointments. Develop online support resource where learning/and that this time has course coordinator are your first get help to plan ahead and stay skills in academic writing, library you can obtain writing feedback students, ask questions, and get Learning Advisors (PLAs) are point of contact for any questions on track with submitting your to know others better. part of The Learning Hub, and 2. Below the sign in buttonpresented us with unique you have in relation to your research, study skills, English and and ask study-related questions are high achieving students who click on the line “Sign in with assessments on time, and a verychallenges. That’s why subject or course, the academic handy Academic Referencing much more. during live chat times. Note: The Some of the things you can chat are trained to support you with your organization account” now.latrobe/LTULearningHub support provided through live with your Peer Mentor about:we’ve put so much of content or assessment feedback. Tool to make sure you reference assessments and study. 3. Type in your La Trobe email You can reach them via LMS. chat covers foundational or first- • Uni life and meeting peopleour face-to-face student properly. The Maths Hub year undergraduate level core For more information visit address and follow the latrobe.edu.au/library • Understanding University promptssupport online too! International student Speak to staff for specialised concepts only. latrobe/LTULearningHub platforms (LMS, Allocate+, support Academic Advisors help with mathematics and LinkedInLearning (Note: You do not need a LinkedIn profile toGuide to studying statistics. Ask related subject Studiosity is not a proofreading StudentOnLine) access LinkedIn Learning, although you can If you are an undergraduate service and cannot correct youronline For any query related to being an (Bachelors) student, throughout specific questions for a range of work for you. They will comment • Submitting assignments We are proud to be associated choose to connect your learning account to international student such as visa disciplines, including Chemistry, and referencing with LinkedIn Learning and your profile if you already have one).We have created a and CoE, study load, fees, or just your first year you will have on where you can improve your Physics, Biology, Engineering, their online library containingcomprehensive guide to studying general advice. You can contact access to an Academic Advisor. grammar, spelling, structure and • Managing studies and work Nursing, Exercise and Sports thousands of high-quality,online to support you at this time. the ASK La Trobe team on +61 3 clarity of your writing. You then life Through one-on-one Biomechanics, Biochemistry and current and engaging videoAccess the Guide via LMS (note 9479 1199, ask a question online, need to reflect on how to improve consultations, your Advisor can Biotechnology • Support services and where tutorials to help you develop theyou need to be enrolled to access or request an online appointment your work before you hand it support you with enrolment and now.latrobe/MathsHub to get help latest business, software andthis resource from the LMS) via Zoom latrobe.edu.au/ask-us in. So don’t leave it to the last subject selection, developing creative skills. New courses arenow.latrobe/guidetoonline minute! To connect with a peer mentor, your academic plan and The Science Hub added every week, so you can The Library contact the relevant College forAdministrative queries connecting you with the right Specialist advice for students Access Studiosity via LMS. your course. keep up-to-date with the latest The Library has a range of La Trobe support services to help advancements in technology.For all administrative queries excellent online resources you achieve success and get the studying Biology, Physics, Peer Mentor Program now.latrobe/PeerMentorsuch as enrolment, timetabling, Anatomy, Chemistry and Health All La Trobe students have free, including tutorials to make the most out of your time at The Peer Mentor programadvanced standing, fees and Science related subjects and unlimited access. You can learn most of the digital collection. A La Trobe. connects new students withmore, contact ASK La Trobe. courses. a wide range of skills − in areas significant number of books are peers in their area of study to getlatrobe.edu.au/ask-us You can make an appointment now.latrobe/ScienceHub as diverse as graphic design, digital and can be borrowed in off to a great start at university. (once you have enrolled) at web development, music andFrequently Asked Questions electronic form to be accessed at now.latrobe/Advisor This program will connect you leadership – to complement yourIf you have a question about home on your device. Librarians with your school or discipline degree or to achieve a personalanything, chances are the answer can provide with assistance in Find their contact details at and build community, promote goal.is already in our Frequently Asked person or online. now.latrobe/ StudentAdvisingatLTU connectedness and shareQuestions. now.latrobe/COVIDSafeLibrary experiences of Uni life and study.latrobe.edu.au/student-faqs

12 | Social Connections Acceptance and Pre-departure Guide Be smart, be safe, be well | 13Social connectionsStudying online doesn’t E-friends - for StudyMelbourneneed to be lonely! new commencing Loads of virtual online events andStaying connected and international students workshops for the Melbournefeeling like a part of a Designed to help international International Student community, including storytelling, practicalcommunity is a vital students settle into life at workshops, virtual sportingpart of online study. At La Trobe and Australia. Chat with events, welcome dinners, and lots other international students whoLa Trobe we have lots more studymelbourne.vic.gov.au are also studying online, includingof ways to help you get those who have been at La Trobeconnected and feel part for some time. Get advice andof our fabulous student support and make friends. You’ll get a link in your welcome emailcommunity. after you complete internationalClubs and societies admission requirements or search Transition @ La Trobe -The La Trobe Student International Welcome Group.Association has loads of clubsand societies. There is bound to Live internationalbe something that interests you. student loungesltsa.com.au The International StudentCareers and Services Team hold regular liveprofessional virtual international student lounge sessions so you can logdevelopment on and chat with other studentsThe Careers team at La Trobe and staff, and also get supporthave heaps of experience in and share ideas. It’s a great wayhelping students get jobs and to stay connected and motivateddevelop skills to find work. Check while practicing good socialout all the great free online distancing. Topics include,professional development and staying healthy, hobbies andtraining sessions taking place recreation, study and researchto help you build your skills and skills and more. It’s fun andnetworks, and perfect your CV/ relaxed. For upcoming sessions,resume. follow us on Facebook.now.latrobe/StudentCareers Facebook Join the international student community at the International Student Services facebook page. Stay up to date with news and information, meet other students, win prizes, and so much more! now.latrobe/ISSFacebookMyLaTrobeMyLaTrobe is your source for all Penny Wangthe latest student updates and Studying a Bachelor of Finance at the Bundooranews you need as a La Trobe Campus, Penny talks about the support availablestudent. to her whilst studying from home. Watch her fulllatrobe.edu.au/mylatrobe interview at: bit.ly/PennyStudies

14 | Health and Wellbeing 15 | What’s next?Health and Wellbeing What’s next? Once the travel ban is lifted you will be able to travel to Australia and we look forward to welcoming you in person.It’s more important than We can’t wait to meet you! La Trobe Health and At Home Wellbeingever to take care of our Wellbeing Resourcesphysical and mental La Trobe offers a range of As part of our partnershiphealth. La Trobe has services to support your with Medibank we are pleased to share a suite of excellentheaps of great resources wellbeing during your studies at programs to help you stay fit, La Trobe.for staff and students. healthy and well at home. y Resource HubCOVID-19 advice Some of the programs include: y Safer Community y Recipes and cooking tipsRead about how the University y Counselling and Mentalis responding to the health and y Meditation and mindfulness Healthsafety of staff and students, at y Tips for healthy studying/ y AccessAbility Hubour comprehensive FAQ page: working from homelatrobe.edu.au/about/novel- y Multifaith Spiritual Wellbeing y Exercise guides and advicecoronavirus y Men’s Health and Wellbeing y and so much more!Sport and Fitness y Indigenous Health and medibank.com.au/livebetter/ WellbeingLa Trobe Sport has created a athomeseries of free online classes to y LGBTIQA+ Health andstay fit and healthy. Wellbeing#ActivationInIsolation activities latrobe.edu.au/wellbeinginclude yoga, pilates, a push-up Wellbeing supportchallenge and more. Join in thefun with staff and students at during COVID-19now.latrobe/ During the COVID-19 pandemic,ActivationinIsolation you may need different forms of support. Our services are to help meet all your wellbeing needs. To request a phone call or an online Zoom video call from our Wellbeing team. Please fill out our request a call form and we will be in touch as soon as possible. now.latrobe/WellbeingCOVID If you are offshore and need help with travelling to Australia and settling in, our dedicated team will provide everything you need to know before you leave home such as getting your visa, arranging your health insurance, finding suitable accommodation close to campus, booking your free airport pick up, and assisting you to settle into life in Australia, make friends, and find work. Not to mention a warm La Trobe welcome where we can finally meet you in person and show you around campus and our wonderful cities.Student support Apply for your student visa online at homeaffairs.gov.au You’ll need yourservices Letter of Offer, CoE and health insurance, and may also need evidence You will need to purchase Overseas Students Health Cover. La Trobe’s preferred provider is Medibank and we have an of further supporting documentation such as evidence of your financialCheck out all the support available exclusive offer for comprehensive cover only for La Trobe capacity. Your student visa is issued for the duration of your studies asin one place. students. Make sure you check the box that you would like outlined in your CoE, plus a few extra months. You can find help and us to arrange it for you. support with your student visa application on the Department of Homelatrobe.edu.au/students/support Affairs (DHA) website now.latrobe/VisaHelp

Our campus locations MILDURA SYDNEY New South Wales ALBURY-WODONGA Victoria SHEPPARTON BENDIGO MELBOURNE CITYContact usAsk a question International Student Services +61 3 9479 1199 ASK La Trobe latrobe.edu.au/students/ask-usDisclaimer: The information contained in this publication is indicative only. While every effort is made to provide full and accurate information at the time of publication, the University doesnot warrant the currency, accuracy or completeness of the contents. The University reserves the right to make changes without notice, at any time in its absolute discretion, including but notlimited to varying admission or assessment requirements, or varying or discontinuing any course or subject. To the extent permitted by law, the University does not accept responsibility forany loss or damage occasioned by use of any of the information contained in this publication. For course information updates, please visit: latrobe.edu.au/coursesLa Trobe University is a registered provider under the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).CRICOS Provider 00115M.latrobe.edu.au/students16   Acceptance and Pre-departure Guide
2021 Your guide to - La Trobe University (2024)
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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.